Church Covenant
The following covenant constitutes a brief summary of important Biblical principles by which our fellowship of believers shall be guided. It is a Scriptural standard to which we aspire, and by which we seek to order our lives as the Lord enables.
Having been led by the Holy Spirit of God to receive Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and having been obedient to Him in believer's baptism as taught in the New Testament, we do now in the presence of God and our fellow believers solemnly enter into this covenant with one another as one body in Christ.
We shall seek:
a) To maintain the personal discipline of regular prayer, worship, and study of the Scriptures that we may grow in the image of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
b) To pray for one another and to serve one another in Christian love; to forgive, even as we ourselves have been forgiven of God, and to seek reconciliation according to Christ's command.
c) To be mindful that we are called to be doers of the Word and not hearers only and thus to serve in this Church with our time, our talents, and our possessions.
d) To set a proper example before our families at all times; to train our children in the doctrines and duties of our faith; and to maintain family and private devotions.
e) To walk before all men that the light of God's presence may shine from our lives in such manner as to encourage them to come to Him Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; therefore, we shall not indulge in practices which might be detrimental to the moral, spiritual, or physical well-being of ourselves, our fellowship, or our community. Where personal habits and indulgence in pleasures may be an offense or cast a stumbling block in the path of others, we will voluntarily abstain from these practices in order to maintain a pure witness.
f) We further agree that should it be necessary to be absent from this congregation we shall seek out a church of like faith and practice where we can carry out the principles of the Word of God; or that upon changing residence to another community where there is a church of like faith and practice, we shall transfer our membership without necessary delay.
g) Believing in a loving God Who is sovereign in all the affairs of men and believing in the deity of our Savior, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His promised return to consummate history, and our essential oneness with others of like faith, we shall seek to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. May God help us as we seek to keep this covenant into which we have prayerfully entered as fellow members of Christ's body.
First Baptist Church of Monterey was founded by a small group of Christians who were hungry to have their own local church. In the past they had traveled to Salinas to attend a church that fit their convictions, but this grew taxing on their time and resources, and so they began to meet together for prayer right here in their own city! The group began to grow, and by April of 1910, a young lady named Bessie McKim decided to organize a Sunday School to care for and teach the young children of those who attended the prayer meetings. God continued to bless the group and more and more members were added to their numbers. With that in mind the group decided to take the next logical step: They held their first service! That was ….